

Beauty Tips By Audrey Hepburn

# For attractive lips, Speak words of kindness.

# For lovely eyes, Seek out the good in people.

# For a slim figure, Share your food with the hungry.

# For beautiful hair, Let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.

# For poise, Walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone.

# People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; Never throw out anybody.

# Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.

# As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

# The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

# The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a Woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows.

# And the beauty of a woman, with passing years only grows!

Thefactis: even Hepburn was a beauty icon from her era, she had never considered herself to be very attractive. She said, "you can even say that I hated myself at certain periods. I was too fat, or maybe too tall, or maybe just plain too ugly... you can say my definiteness stems from underlying feelings of insecurity and inferiority. I couldn't conquer these feelings by acting indecisive. I found the only way to get the better of them was by adopting a forceful, concentrated drive.(taken from wikipedia)

Personality Test

My Personality
Openness to Experience
You rarely get angry and it takes a lot to make you angry, however you are sensitive about what others think of you. Your concern about rejection and ridicule cause you to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. You are easily embarrassed and often feel ashamed. Your fears that others will criticize or make fun of you are exaggerated and unrealistic, but your awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. You tend not to talk much and prefer to let others control the activities of groups. You tend not to express your emotions openly and are sometimes not even aware of your own feelings. You are willing to take credit for good things that you do but you don't often talk yourself up much, however you do not particularly like helping other people. Requests for help feel like an imposition on your time. You take your time when making decisions and will deliberate on all the possible consequences and alternatives.

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A leadership training held in Villa Waspada, Puncak, at 10-22 Nov 2010. Im not experienced nor talented in leading a group of people. But i join this to learn and experience. And oh to get to know other people in psychology too.

Days there were great!We were divided in groups and made simulation for making a program for our organization. My group was p&k in BEM. We made a program about graphology workshop and presented it, but tragically it was critisized and refused at the end. God. Hahaha.

We made a simulation about musma or musyawarah mahasiswa. Because this was held at night, almost every people were seriously sleepy. Then at the following day, we did the outbound. This game was super creative because we can learn to practice the knowledge we’ve already got before in a very fun way. at the end our hair were wet and dirty by flour and soysauce.

We learn to be ‘difficult people’. Getting the place by economic train to stasiun bogor, then we took angkot to the villa. Such my very first experience of taking an economic train.

Yeah, here i realised my problem too. Im a slow thinker!I need much more time when answering questions and defending my opinion about something. Its not easy catching up instructions and conditions. And im actually not active here. Oh mama pardon me.

But generally it was educative and fun at the same time.


Akhir-akhir ini, gue jadi lebih banyak bengong. Bahkan gue udah gak bisa ngebadain mana realita dan mana lamunan. Jadilah gue anak yang kurang responsif dan peka sama keadaan sekitar.

Yang menjadi sumber kebengongan gue adalah kerendahdirian gue sendiri. Ya, i have a low self-esteem. Gue nggak yakin apa kelebihan gue tapi fokus banget sama kelemahan-kelemahan gue. Oke apa sih kelebihan gue?Menarik?Super banyak yang jauh lebih cantik, dan fisik itu cuma kulit, kepribadian yang menentukan. Elo bakal merekomendasikan cokelat yang lo makan karena rasanya enak kan, bukan karena bungkusnya bagus. Apalagi?Sabar, setengah-setengah. Humoris, enggak terlalu juga. Periang, cuma saat-saat tertentu aja.

Sebaliknya gue concern banget sama keburukan-keburukan gue yang tingkatnya parah banget. Jangan ketawa ya, gue lemot. Gue sering gak catch up sama apa yang terjadi atau pembicaraan apa yang berlangsung, kalo itu berlangsung cepet. Gue sering lama kalo ngejawabin pertanyaan orang, karena pake mikir dulu.

Satu lagi, gue kurang sukses di kehidupan sosial. Karena kelemotan gue itu, sering gue gak nyambung kalo diajak ngomong sama orang. Apa lagi pengetahuan umum juga cukup parah, jadinya oh ya gitu deh. Gue nggak bisa membuat percakapan yang bagus, yang menarik, dan ini semua yang bikin gue nggak nyaman lama-lama sama orang dan takut buat menjalin relasi dekat.

Satu hal yang menjadi sumber kegalauan dari ini semua adalah, gue nggak tau apa yang bisa gue kasih buat orang lain. Apa peran gue di setiap tempat. Kata Ayu Utami, sumber dari melankolis itu adalah ketidaktahuan atau ketidakpunyaan. Gue nggak tahu, gue buta, tentang apa bakat dan kelebihan gue. Juga karakter gue yang sebenarnya.
Misalnya hal sesimpel ngasih surprise ulang tahun ke temen deket kita deh.

Orang yang kreatif bakal nyumbang banyak ide.
Orang yang leadershipnya tingi akan jadi sutradara.
Orang yang jago akting bakal jadi pemain drama bohong-bohongan.
Orang yang kritis bakal ngingetin kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang bisa bikin surprise gagal.
Orang yang berani bakal mintain foto dari satpamnya.

Gue nggak tahu dimana tempat gue. Gue ngak bisa serius kalau akting, nggak bisa mikir secara random, bukan orang yang bisa merintah, dan bukan orang yang punya inisiatif. Dengan kata lain, gue nggak bisa bantu apa-apa.

Gimana cara gue meningkatkan self-esteem itu, adalah kalo gue bisa menemukan karakter gue. Tau apa sisi positif dan bakat diri. Tapi bahkan pelajaran konsep diri di matkul pemahaman diri pun belom bisa menolong untuk menemukan jati diri. Makannya sekarang berusaha menyibukkan diri sendiri sama kegiatan kampus. Kali aja dengan cara itu gue bisa berubah. Begitulah pemikiran yang nggak pernah gue share sama orang lain karena gue lamban dalam memverbalisikan ide di otak *lagi-lagi kelemahan kan. Cukup segitu aja. Segera kembangin bakat lo kalau elo orang beruntung yang udah tau!


tahiti 80, ouh yeah!

They are just way adorable!Their song are ear-catchy, with 80's taste and indie pop smell. Xavier Boyer, Médéric Gontier, Sylvain Marchand & Pedro Resende are the four people driving Tahiti 80 from Rouen, France.

Must-listen: Heartbeat, Open Book, Happy End

go away laziness

Hola! Apa yang elo lakukan kalo ada waktu kosong? Gue hobi banget tidur. Kalo udah tidur sampe lupa waktu dan kebablasan. Tapi pas bangun rasanya puaaas banget kayak orang habis balas dendam nenek moyang. Tapi gue akhirnya menyadari bahwa hobi ini sangat tidak produktif dan manfaatnya ga ada. Jadi mulailah gue mengalihkan hobi ini kebiasaan lain yaitu baca buku. Intelek abis kan ye, iya gue pengen agak2 gak kosong otaknya, habis kalo ditanyain apa-apa gue keseringan gak taunya. Bikin orang lain keki gak seeh. Dan gue pengen diripiw deh buku2 yang sudah dibaca, soalnya gue pelupa kronis. Hahaha nyante abis hidup ini. Okey segini saja, ciao. Tunggu postingan habis2 ini tentang buku2 yang udah gue lahap.


hello college days!!!

Long time no post. AAHH miss you mystupidshame! I was inspired by Catherine Intan's new blog. Oh yea, Imma college student now in University of Indonesia majoring Psychology.
Days here are fun fun fun. I see things I've never seen before and gotta bunch of friends and experiences. But I dont study seriously here and I think my GPA this semester will not as good as I hope. hahaha. Have to make some learning strategies and do better tommorow.



Long time not open this freakin old-school social networking site. I logged in to this site after hundred years (lebay) and found these vintage thingies; comments and testimonials. Geez, its like re-open old diary. Fun!

marii ke marii..
ikudtlah akuu..
ke kebun bibik.
disana buanyak..
cadcing yang gendudt..
heii ayoo diserbuu;p

HAHA.ayoo vend . .

tebaklah idtuwh laguu apahh..wkwkwkk


jaketnya jangan dikasi gambar barbie ya.
gambar ultraman aja,,ok??

duuhh,,, tx bgt yap mw isi testi duluan..
makachi gw dblg imudz,, yaah namanya oRg imudd seh, susah y klo byk yG ng-Fanz.. (aiiih... jiji bgd gw..!!! cpe deeh...)

okeh2,, jgn ngelantuR..
vEnce ituwh org yg,,,
baiQ hati, raMah, dan tdk somBonk
ska membantu dan muRah hati
piNteR,, yg pasti lbh pinter dr gw
suka gx jLaz,,
enQ bwt ngoBrol nd cuRhad,,
lbh bokePz dR gw,, [wkt personal gRowth,, sumpah!! gw cengo.. mpe hRs dijLazin sm vence nd ineZ]
raJin, tp maLez [tw tuh, ap maxudna]
sy uda gx ada ide lg

btw2,, ap maxudmuw sk mn baXo haah???!!! @#$%%$
ILER!!! ILER!!! mg2 lu ngILER tyap tidur,, akan akuw doakan...

yassud.. see uu!!

keren skaliiiiii...!!!!!

bnar2 bernilai seni tinggi skaliii,,
kreatif,,, itu adalah inovasi terbaruuu,,,

lo ntu ye,,
bnar2 mengagumkan..... patut dicontoh..!!


AllOoow Vn_c,,,,,
Pha KhaBbaRr,,,,
MakAciiiEeehhh yaGh tEstiiieeeNNa,,,,
saYyuurrrnHa udah daKw makAN,,,,
KAmw maW sayuRRr,,,,,
DakW mAsEegh bANyaKK StoKK tuGh,,

uDAghhh pinteRrr mAen GitArrr,,,,,,
Gw bArrUu MAw blAJar,,,,,,
apa gw Gak SAh less YAngH,,,,
gw pRivAT mA lw Aja 'lEgh gAk???

bOnYokH lu KAyanYA makiiiNnn thEnar

dAgh dUlu YAgh,,,,,



get well soon

close your eyes and imagine if this happen yo you..

you cant have any conversation with family and friends
you cant read your favourite magazine
you cant follow news,fashion, and gadget trend
you cant have any fling or boyfriend
you cant study boring math and economy
you cant have any burger king, starbucks, or sour sally
you cant have a fight with your brother as your foe
you cant play makeover with your lovely sister
you get your body bathe, your teeth brushed, your clothes worn by other
you cant travel anywhere except your deepest dream of past memories
things you bring everywhere is not your cellphone or organizer, but your wheelchair
all you can eat is onlu untastiable vegetable juice
all you can do is wishing and hoping
all your pleasure is your family love, having them near you
and the worst is you suffer this for years..

maybe i would do a suicidal act if i was her
life in depression
lost my pleasure
lost my friends
lost my dreams
make parents sad

be though and get well soon my bestfriend, claravita..

mau gila

jemariku kalut ditimpa gila
tak bisa lagi menahan kecacatan
akan basa-basi dunia
untuk mengetik atau sekedar melambai saja
seakan membawa monumen batu prasejarah
sampai kapan mata ini berkedut
dan lidah mencecap rasa asin
jika tiada yang sempurna?
bagaimana jika huruf e besar
yang tertoreh di atas sabak jiwa dengan batu
tak bisa dihapus sampai kapanpun

aku menanti yang belum lelah akan sayang
biarpun melawan arus
biarpun tak berisi
biarpun tak bertepi
biarpun sakit jiwa
dan ketika masanya tiba
akan kuadakan perjamuan besar tiap ada
suka dan lara



kata dan sikap tak bisa ditarik
terlanjur membuat jalur membekas
tanda yang tiada pernah lepas
di saat emosi begitu mengganas
entah apa justru terlalu tak bebas
rasa di lidah telah mengeras tak bisa lagi mengalir deras
terlalu ganas
terlalu pedas
terlalu cadas
terlalu panas
terlampau menggila hati yang egois